Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to get free products off Amazon.

So, I often get the question, "How do you get all this stuff for free (or super cheap)?" Well, I fell upon a website called elitedealclub.com from my sweeper friends. Here, you get different options everyday for products to test for a small price. $1 here, $2 there for products that can be $20 or more! And these are full products not samples.  Everything is sold on Amazon so it is a MUST to have Amazon Prime! Trust me, it pays for itself, I LOVE PRIME!!!!  However, you have to fight for these products (on this website). Products become active 2x a day and currently have 200,000+ members. SO, you have to be on, precisely when they become active, otherwise you get whats left over. (Which can still be good stuff). You fight by being some of the first to click on the product and get the code.  When the prodcut sells out that is it for the day.  After using the product, you leave an honest review on Amazon. They like you to review within a week, but this website won't yell at you if you don't right away. Sometimes, I have to review pills and I don't feel comfortable reviewing until after a few weeks of testing.  If the website gets finky don't worry it gets like that often.

The link to this website is:  elitedealclub.com/?invcode=CUwPu7wv

After getting a little tired of fighting and seeing the same types of products, I wanted to see what else there was out there. So, I went back to Facebook. I started finding FB pages that invited sellers to advertise on their group pages. Let me explain. 1st, let me start with, I HAVE NEVER BEEN SCAMMED! I say that because a lot of the sellers are across seas and speak with broken English. Which can scare some people into thinking they are getting scammed. However, no money is ever (and should never) be exchanged with the sellers. All the sellers do, is give you a coupon code that you put into Amazon while checking out.

With that being said, you don't always get a code for the product you ask for. The better your Amazon seller profile is, the more likely they will pick you. Each of these websites has its own rules and forms you have to fill out so make sure to follow the rules depending on which website you are buying through. Another difference with these, is that reviews are OFTEN needed in 3-5 days after receiving the product. If you don't, you might get put on the "bad" list and might not get picked anymore.  3rd, is the codes usually come later, in two ways. You usually don't get a response right away and it can be at 2 am (back to that across seas thing again) sometimes.  Once you start getting in with the sellers, they actually start coming to you. 4th, they usually require pictures or video in your review. Each seller is different.

So here are the websites I have found (on Facebook) so far. You have to request to be a part of the group.  Good luck, have fun and happy savings!

NOTE: Please be honest with your reviews.

Global Top Amazon Reviewer

Amazon Reviewer Group

Amazon Reviewers

The Exchange Group Amazon

US Amazon Reviewer

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